Parents as Teachers
Our Vision:
To educate and prepare leaders of tomorrow, today.
Our Mission:
To provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial years of life.
Program Information:
Parents as teachers is a free early childhood program that provides practical, effective support for all families and their children from birth until their child enters kindergarten, usually at age five. The program was established because educators recognize how crucial the early years are in a child's development. Research indicates there are "windows of opportunity" during those early years when learning takes place more easily. Early childhood professionals suggest that a program to help parents understand and encourage their child's development beginning from birth could help lay the groundwork to prepare children for success later in school and in life.
Services Provided:
Personal Visits: Personal visits (monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly) are the major service delivery component. During these visits, parent educators share age-appropriate child development information with parents, help them learn to observe their own child, address their parenting concerns, and engage the family in activities that provide meaningful parent-child interaction.
Group Meetings: Group meetings provide opportunities for parents to gain valuable information about parenting issues. These family activity meetings allow parents time to observe their children with other children, acquire developmental information and share age appropriate activities with their child.
Screening: Periodic developmental health, vision and hearing screenings provide for early identification of developmental delays or possible health problems. Regular review of each child's developmental progress identifies strengths and abilities as well as areas of concern that might require referral for follow-up services and increases parents' understanding of their child's development. -
Resource Network: Parent educators help families identify and connect with needed resources and overcome barriers to accessing services. Parent educators take an active role in establishing on-going collaborative relationships with other organizations that serve families.
Parents as Teachers Official Site
For more information on Parents as Teachers, please contact our Special Services office at 826-5696.